
Directed by Luciano Luminelli
With Sebastiano Somma, Gianluca Di Gennaro, Ciro Esposito, Gerardo Placido, Chiara Conti
Produced by Ludoarchedo48 Production
Distributed by Ludoarchedo48 Production

Una Diecimilalire it’s a document-film about the fifth teen years from 1960 to 1975: a period during which many areas in Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria and Campania depopulated because people drifted away to the northern part of Italy. Una diecimilalire it’s a story of migration: in particular it narrates the story of Vincenzo, a child from Basilicata who moves to Rome, at his brother’s place. On the background, the legendary ‘60s and the economic boom which, unfortunately, it’s only a mirage for Southern Italy.