
Directed by Agustina Macri
With Vera Spinetta, Marco Leonardi, Eleonora Giovanardi, Giorgio Colangeli, Maurizio Lombardi, Marco Cocci, Tatiana Lepore, Viola Sartoretto, Fausta Cabra, Fabiana Garcìa Lago, Bruna Rossi, Florencia Dyszel, Mario Zucca.
Produced by 39FILMS, Cinema 7

Soledad Rosas, from Argentina, arrives in Italy in 1997. She moves into a community squat in Turin where she meets Edoardo Massari with whom she has a intense love story. On March 5, 1998, the pair are arrested and charged with acts of terrorism against the construction of a high-speed rail network. On March 23, Edoardo Massari is found dead in his prison cell. on July 11, Soledad is found dead in the bathroom of the house where she has been living under house arrest. In 2002, the Court of Cassation in Rome dropped the charge of subversion and terrorism due to lack of evidence.