
Directed by Leonardo Tiberi

With Alessandro Tersigni, Yari Gugliucci, Davide Giordano, Beatrice Arnera,Eliana Miglio,Emanuela Grimalda, Roberto Citranin

In association with Gruppo Banco Desio with the Patnership of Ministero della Difesa, in collaboration with Ministero della Difesa Aeronautica Militare, Corpo Militare Volontario della Cri Ausiliario delle Forze Armate,  Corpo delle Infermiere Volontarie della Cri Ausiliario delle Forze Armate.

Distributed by Istituto Luce Cinecittà


Veneto, 1918. A member of the Italian-American Congress, Fiorello La Guardia, travels to the Italian Pilot Center to fight with the aviators on the new bombers Caproni. Actually La Guardia, who will soon become famous as New York City major, is not alone at the front : there are also many volunteers from all over the world and, among them, the Cusin brothers, both in love with a young and beautiful red cross volounteer, Agnese. Their personal stories are narrated hand in hand with historical fact, even thanks to the clever use of archive material that makes everything more realistic.