
Written by Eliane Freitas

Directed by Bruno José and Patricia Sequeira

Starring Diana Chaves, Diogo Morgado, Joana Santos

Produced by Rede Globo de Televisão, S.P. Filmes, Sp Televisão

We are in 1984. Arich family decides to spend the afternoon on the banks of a river in northern Portugal. While playing, the girls Ines and Marta start fighting for a doll and end up in the water. The father manages to save Ines but dies while trying to rescue Marta. A couple, whose daughter has just died, finds her along the way, alone, lost and wounded, and decides to take care of the girl, taking her in Lisbon. Marta for them will become Diana taking the name of their daughter died. A leap in time takes us in 2010. Diana, who has always been plagued by poverty in which her family lives, listens fortuitously to a conversation between her parents and learns not to be their natural daughter. Thus begins to investigate her past, and discovers her real family. At the same time Ines, her biological sister, has a fulfilling life with her mother, brother and boyfriend. Diana, determined to take revenge for what was unjustly taken her away, begins to interfere in the life of Ines, without revealing who she really is …. And so begins a spiral of intrigue with unexpected twists.