
Directed by Vittorio Sindoni

With Stefania Rocca, Vincenzo Amato, Moisè Curia, Giulia Bertini, Paola Quattrini, Pino Caruso, Paolo Sassanelli, Luigi Diberti, Alberto Lo Porto, Rodolfo Baldini, Loredana Martinez, Francesca Pasquini
Produced by Megavision Filmtv
Distributed by Zenit Distribution


“Hug him for me” is the touching dramatic and at times comic tale of a woman and her son. It’s a story about the joy of being mother to the most wonderful boy on earth, only to discover that he, of all people, has a mental disorder. But thanks to the love and passion for music, mother and son will find light at the end of the tunnel and hope for a better future.